Food that prevents diseases

Your health - In your hands (3)

Dr. Manthena Satyanarayana Raju

king-turned royal sage....!

He is one of the greatest sons the nature has blissfully blessed. He is a king-turned royal sage, who has been ceaselessly worshiping the nature cure methodology. He is the divine rishi who has been with us, guiding us and adding flagrances in our efforts to bloom in this nature. He is the gardener of the nature’s life style garden, who is nourishing it all the time. He is the architect and mentor of the nature’s offspring, ‘Nature Life Style’ that has bloomed in the lap of river Krishna. He has constructed the ashram and is propelling it so that all the people can follow nature’s principles in the divine sight of goddess Kanaka Durga of Vijayawada.
Dedicating with open heart, this garland of books, ‘Prakruthi Jeevana Vidhana Dasha’ to our dearest relatives, unpolluted hearts, Sri Gokarju Gangaraju and Smt. Laila Gangaraju.
Yours lovingly
Manthena Satyanarayana Raju

Health topics that you are going to learn:

  1. Our body's plight today
  2. What this body is born to eat?
  3. What food keeps us happy?
  4. What happens if food is cooked?
  5. If not cooked, is it not harmful to the body?
  6. What is our complete food?
  7. Method of making sprouts
  8. Who to eat what sprouts?
  9. What kind of coconut to eat?
  10. Who to eat what fruits and when?
  11. How and when to drink fruit juices?
  12. How to use raw vegetables?
  13. What to feed your children?
  14. Benefits of natural food
  15. Shall we eat like this?

1. Our body's plight today

Since the advancement of civilization, human’s body is deteriorating towards ill health. The medical methods that are trying to improve the body are growing higher. The health that everyone wants to acquire is still not approachable. If we look at the body’s plight, the illnesses are troubling the people from all walks of life – people of all ages, labourers, employees, men, women, educated, uneducated, doctors, actors etc. If we look at the working condition of the body organs, even little kids are losing eye sight. Irrespective of the age, joints are wearing away. Though women have ovaries, ovulation is not happening. Men can produce sperm, but there is low sperm count in it. Thyroid gland is not able to generate thyroid hormones. As pancreases is not able to produce enough insulin, people are becoming diabetic, irrespective of their age. Just as the sunny afternoons are natural in the summer, B.P has become so common to the majority of the people. Grey hair before getting married, baldness before having children, along with muscle and nerves weaknesses. With such feeble and diseased bodies, people are not able to make them work accordingly, and suffering a lot. For example, one tablet for digestion, one tablet for motions, one tablet for gas to release out, another tablet for strength and bones strength, tablets for blood improvement, ulcers, pains and for good sleep, people are taking tablets like medicine. How long will it happen like this? Think a lot about this. As long as you live, do you want to live with such a weak body? Are you happy to live like this? Or because of you, is anyone happy? When no one is happy, then why this body and why this life?
Every one of us wants to live happily. That’s why we meet one another, we ask for the wellbeing of others. When we ask, ‘how are you’, the question indicates if ‘you are healthy and happy’. Everyone wants health and happiness. That is everyone’s goal. That’s why, when we meet one another, we are reminding the goals to one another. When someone asks us how we are, we tell them that we are fine. In fact, even when our situation is not good, we still say that we are fine. How long shall we deceive ourselves like this? We ensure that our car doesn’t stop in the middle of the journey, by getting it repaired or buy a new car. We don’t allow the car to spoil our happiness. We are able to remove all the obstacles that prevent our happiness. Then, When this vehicle called ‘body’, which is helping us to travel around; is not working well, why cannot we rectify its obstacles and do the effort to travel happily. When we try, cannot we get that happiness? Cannot your body be repaired completely? If you have the will, why is not possible? If we give the opportunity, the body is ready to get better, at any time! This opportunity to rebuild itself and to become new, is always there to the body, given by birth. It has automatic mechanism. What all you need to do is, you have to listen to it and to supply it what it needs. So far, your body worked as you have instructed. Now, it is under repair. So, we need to listen to it. Otherwise, it won’t work. Do you know this fact? When the car is in condition, whatever we instruct it, it will obey it. But, when it is under repair, we are listening to it. Had we realized that our body is similar to it, we would have changed our life. But, still, we have time. If we admit the mistakes we have committed and plead the body that we will not make the mistakes again, and will behave as it instruct us. Shall we do it like that?
When proper nourishment lacks, plants wither, leaves fall off and twigs gets dried away. For such plants, if we plough the land well, remove the weed, add compost, and give enough water, the plant give birth to twig shoots, and then grows green and strong as earlier. For the plants, it would be like new life given. When good food is given, even the withered plant is getting better, why doesn’t this body recover? Why doesn’t it get better? Why doesn’t it get a new birth? If you wish heart fully, it certainly happens. If you want your body to be healthy, you fulfil its needs. As long as you live, follow its instructions and live as it wants. Follow the policy of give and take. It will be respectful. Till then, this body will be facing diseases. From today, if this body needs to survive well, you first know, what this body is born to eat, and start feeding it.

2. What this body is born to eat??

If we ask which has come first, ‘Milk or the baby that drinks milk? People tell the same thing, ‘initially the milk forms in the mother, and then only the baby is born to drink the milk’. Similarly, Mother Nature has created the food initially and then created the living beings who will eat the food. It means, before we are born, the food we were going to eat was ready and was waiting for us. After we are born, we should know what is the food that we are supposed to eat and we should eat only that food. To know it, we don’t need intellect or education. Except the human being, all the other living things are very intelligent creatures. All of them are getting to know where their food is available and searching for it and then eating the same. For example, a tiger is born to eat meat. In any country a tiger eats only meat, nothing else. A cow eats grass. If grass is not available for it, it will die of starvation, but it will never say, ‘I need meat’. Even if you give meat, it won’t eat. Animals belonging to one group, in whatever country, eat the same kind of food with principles. Just as, ‘Protect dharma and dharma will protect you’, they behave according to their body principles and eat only according to what their body wants. For this reason, their bodies are being protected with that food and they get the fruits of health till their life span is completed. A creature, since the day it starts eating, till its last breath, it eats the same food. That’s why, they are getting all these three things - healthy body, happy life and easy death. In terms of human beings, this is being possible only for rishis. If we also, like the other living beings, start eating the natural food, in this kali yuga, in this nature, these days, we still can get complete health and have complete life span.
Like other living beings, humans also had the natural food and fulfilled his body needs. Between the nature and this nature-made body, food is like a bridge. What is available naturally in the nature, if it is eaten as it is available, then, a good bond can be formed between the body and the nature. Nature’s food is daily cooked by Sun’s rays (because of these rays, food items are ripened). Food is being converted to an edible form so that it can be digested by the body. Just as it is a well-planned Nature’s mechanism, everything that the body requires, is already available in this food. If we reverse the famous saying this way, it would be apt to say, ‘God is proposing, but Man is disposing’. We are supposed to consume the healthiest food that Nature provides us, but we are not fortunate enough for the boon. Ironically, the greatest invention by man – the fire – has turned to be a curse. Since that doomsday, we are consuming food - not according to what the body requires, but according to what the tongue prefers. Have you ever seen - boiled rice, curries, fried rice, pickles - grown on trees? If so, we can assume that they are well-meant for our body and they are healthy for us. This body is purely Nature-made, but, we are offering a menu, which is created by man’s intelligence. Hence, problems are rampant - because this kind of food is not suitable to the human body. This man-made food may well be suited for the robots created by man, but not to the human bodies. This human body is created by the five elements of the Nature and for this body, Nature’s food is the only true fuel.

3. What food keeps us happy?

Everyone wants to live happily – 24/7. Only some people enjoy that happiness and fulfil their lie. Most of the people keep trying just as it is somewhere else. They are not able to experience that the joy is in ourselves. To get that happiness, we need to understand one thing – we are different and our body is different. We are sitting in this vehicle (called the body) and continuing the journey of life. Though we buy a car, spending a lot of money, it doesn’t give happiness to the car. All those facilities belong to us, who are travelling in it. If the car undergoes a repair, it doesn’t feel any pain or inconvenience. All the inconvenience affects us, who are travelling in it. Similarly: As long as this vehicle, called body works fine, for us – inside the car – it will be happy for us. If there is any inconvenicce, to the body, it is supplied to us, instead of joy. As what we give to the body, accordingly, the body gives us the results. If we eat what the body needs, then the body won’t spoil our joy. For example, if we eat fruit and raw vegetables, we will be happy even after eating them. The body will be peaceful and light. The stomach is designed to digest such food. So, by eating it, the stomach doesn’t lose its pleasantness. When the stomach is pleasant, the body will by joyful. When the body is pleasant, we will be pleasant. If any part of the body is affected, it will affect the whole body. If one family member is hurt, it will affect the whole family. If a small nut is loosened, it will affect the whole car. In this body, each organ and every cell is designed to eat the nature-given natural food. If we eat the that food, which the body wants, the body will digest it in 1-2 hours and sends the essence to all cells. When cells get what they want, they imbibe the essence as for more immediately. That’s why, when we eat natural food, we will be hungry in 2 hours. That hunger is the real joy. The body tells you, ‘the food you have eaten earlier, is also digested. I want it again’. In case, instead of fruit and raw vegetables, if we fill the stomach with idli, dosha, puri, then the stomach cannot digest them, and struggles in digesting the food – as it doesn’t have an option. When the joy of stomach is gone, our joy also is gone. The happiness we used to have before eating that food, we cannot retain after eating them. That’s why, even after eating them, the stomach will feel heavy, drowsy, and lazy – we feel, why we have eaten that food. They just satisfy the tongue, but are useful for nothing else. For that food to get digested, it takes 4-5 hours. For the cells to take the essence of the tiffin, it takes more time. That’s why, after eating them, the appetite will die. It takes a long time to get hungry again. Our elderly people have thought that if we eat food that is cooked against the nature, we will lose our joy, hence they has set a rule that, during auspicious days, on festivals, marriages, it is restricted not to eat cooked food. They expected that at least on those days, we will have food that gives pleasure to the stomach, such as – coconut water, fruit juice, fruit. That’s why, if we have to fulfil this life, and if we want to live happily, there is only one principle. If we eat the same food that the body is designed to take, then all the cells and the organs in the body will function their duties properly. When everyone does his job well, why will we have any problems? We will be happy – 24/7.

4. What happens if we cook food?

This gross body is made of food. The different nutrients of the food are used for the formation of different organs of the body. If we use this body every day, its nutrients decrease gradually. Day by day, we need to fill this gap with good food, then, the body’s organs work well without fatigue. If we run the car daily, oil, air, water and engine oil will gradually decrease. We will them up again and continue our journey. We fill the content according to the amount that is decreased. Are we filling the deficiency each day like this? If we do that, then why does this body has problems? Because, the reason is our food itself has the problem – the food that we are giving to the body, daily. Didn’t you get it what I am saying? The cooked food. In this nature, except humans, no other creature is trying to eat food by changing its natural status or by boiling it. That’s why, their eyes, legs, muscles, nerves are working well till their life span. In the natural food that they are taking, their daily needs are being fulfilled. The natural food is designed with all tastes, in different shapes, sizes, containing all nutrients in optimum percentages to suit the body needs. After humans are civilized, we started cooling for our convenience. The benefit of cooked food is only for the tongue and mouth. Though these two organs are satisfied, this whole body is suffering because of it. The properties of fire are: to burn, to turn into ashes, or to destroy. If we are giving the food to fire, that has to nourish us, then what will be left in them to benefit us? What is the benefit of eating it? By cooking the food, all the enzymes will die in them. Three parts of the vitamins will get evaporated. prana energy and life energy get destroyed. The food is no longer easily digestible. The fats and proteins convert so that they become as a burden to the body. Moreover, all the immunity of the food will be gone, and it turns into an energy that increases the disease. We are eating this kind of food – which contains so many minus points – 3-4 times a day and are wishing to live healthily. Boiled food is minus food. It can also be called negative food. The natural food is the plus food. This can be called as positive food. It depends on our food either our body to grow or to diminish. I will explain you with an example, how cooking food can destroy things. As we bring the groceries, to be used for a year and keep them under the sun for two days and then store them in the boxes, they won’t get spoiled till the next year. Instead of keeping them under sun, if you fry them lightly (6-70 degrees), and then store them in the boxes. In 10-15 days, they will be spooled. Before the farmer are sowing the seeds, they dry the seeds under the sun and then make them plants. Instead, if they fry the seeds at 60-70 degrees of temperature, not a single seed will become a plant. With such slightest heat, if the life energy and life particles are getting destroyed, then, in our daily cooking, in our fries, does the fire god leave us anything? When we are making curries, they are heated up to 100-110 degrees. It an item is fried in oil, the food will be exposed to 300 degrees. By eating such food, the body is looking for the required nutrients. To rectify this situation, doctors are prescribing tablets (calcium tablets, vitamin tablets, minerals etc) to every patient. To overcome the vitamin deficiency problem, we have the awareness to take medicine. But, we are not getting the awareness that, ‘because of this food, I had this deficiency. From now, it self, I should eat good food’. Even after the body is affected by the disease, we should get the awareness. But, the body is still seeking in the form of the disease that, ‘I want good food’. But, if don’t listen to it, what does the body do? We will have to suffer. So, if we start eating the natural food (cooked by the sun), then our body will have good days. If I ask you to stop the cooked food 100% from tomorrow, you will stop reading this book now itself, and you will become obstinate. So, we will come to an agreement. From tomorrow, at least 50-60% of food to be eaten as raw. Gradually, you can increase it to 75% of natural food. When you get an opportunity, eat natural food throughout the day. We will protect ourselves by doing such things.

5. If not cooked, is it not harmful to the body?

This is the question that is running in every one’s mind. People think that, ‘if food is not cooked, the germs, harmful insects, their larva, enter our body and may cause fatal diseases. If we cook food, then it will be purified’. With this perception, they are hesitating to eat the natural food that is available in the nature. When the food is cooked, along with the harmful germs, all the life energy that keeps our prana for longer days, is also getting disappeared from the cooked food. More than the harm we get from the germs, the loss for cooking it is 3 times more. Except us, all other living creatures are eating the food as it is – naturally. But, these germs and insects are not doing any harms to them. They are not facing any problems such as viral fevers, malaria, typhoid. Dysentery, nausea etc. Right now, what we are eating is the complete cooked food. Throughout the day, we eat only this. If we are not getting affected by any infections and diseases, then, we can assume it as true. Humans have all the diseases that are there. In the food that we are eating, if there are any harmful germs, the liver and the intestines would take care of them. The liver and the intestines have such capability. As we are eating boiled food, with oil and ghee in them, our intestines and liver are becoming weak. Then, what can save us? Think about this! In this nature, worms and insects are natural. They are all part of our life. If we are living naturally and eating natural food, they will be killed in the body naturally. In the food that a pig eats, it is full of worms and insects. But, they cannot do the pig any harm. Of all, pig has the most immunity power. When nature designs the pig’s food like that, then Nature also gives the immunity to it to survive. If we stop eating other rubbish, there will be a lot of original power left in us. When cooking the vegetables - lady’s finger, eggplant (brinjal), cauliflower, before cutting them, we check for insects (so that we can protect ourselves). We eat the birds, hens which eat these insects. Why are we are avoiding these insects there, and why are we eating the flesh made out of the insects? Strange behaviour of man! We don’t understand the mind and its thinking! No one can understand except the creator! No human can understand.

6. What is our complete food?

Our ancestors have stated that the gross part of food builds the body and the subtle part becomes the mind. If we eat complete food, these two will become complete. If the soil is good, the pot will be good. If we want to live with complete life span and complete health, we should eat complete food. Whatever colour ink we use; the writing will be in that colour. Our life is also like that. If we understand this truth, everything will be clear or we don’t understand health in life. In nature, we can categorize the food items that are taken by all the living creatures on the earth into these categories: leaves category, raw vegetables category, root category, fruit category, grain category, meat category. One category of animals generally eat the same food throughout their life. If it is asked that what is the food of goats, we will say that it is ‘leaves’. Tiger’s food is, ‘meat’, parrot's food is ‘fruit’, pigeon’s food is grains. All these creatures, eat only the food that is designed for them – they don’t touch the food, designed for others. For example, goats eat only the leaves from trees, leaving fruits, grains. When their needs are fulfilled by leaves, the goats know that they don’t need any other thing. Now, we will come to our issue. If we ask, what is human’s food, everyone will laugh but don’t answer. We got the answer related to all other animals. But, we are not able to answer about our food. Why should we bothered what those animal eat; we should know what we should eat. After thinking, humans tell that, ‘those six categories are ours’. Whatever is seen, it is ours. The human race has no discrimination for any categories. Like league of nations, they mix all things. That’s why, all types of categories of diseases have chosen the human body. As humans are greatest of all, it is better to know what is the most suitable food and eat only that. Let us see what is that great category.
Complete food means the food which contains all nutrients. Just as a supermarket where we find everything, if we eat it, we will get everything. Then, we don’t have any complaint like, ‘this is not sufficient, that is not sufficient, this is there, that is not there’. The body needs 7 types of nutrients daily. They are: starch, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fibre. It is the complete food which contains all these seven nutrients. In vegetables, proteins and fats are not available much. But, the remaining five are present in them. Similarly, in fruit. In roots, there are only carbohydrates and the remaining are not available. In leaves, there are all these things except fats. Meat is the worst category of all. Humans should not touch this category. That’s why it is called ‘neechu’. In grains, all the seven nutrients will be available, especially the proteins, fats and enzymes are available in plenty. With proteins, the body gets muscle power, and with fats, the body gets brain power and life span. The grain category can be called complete food category. We may not know this secret, but our ancestors have realized this long ago. That’s why in the food that is offered to deities (prasada), they give vada pappu (moon dal recipe) and coconut. They thought that at least in this way, people can eat grains. In small functions, they give green gram, Bengal gram, nuvvula chimili (laddu with sesame seeds), and in different auspicious occasions, they made us eat the nine grains (nava dhanya). Grains are given to cocks and buffalos, before they are prepared for fights. As far as the brain power is concerned, brahans have more intelligence than others. In the olden days, they have eaten these nava dhanyas and increased the brain power. If we eat these grains once in a day, all our body needs can be fulfilled. So, we will try to eat them. But, don’t eat the grains of sapota or custard apple. Let us see what grains to eat how to eat them.

7. Method of making sprouts

After a tree’s life time, its leaves, branches, fruit will dry away. But, only the grains remain to keep the tree category live for the next time. All the tree’s history is in the grain. When it sprouts, the history of the tree category starts. The whole banyan tree is hiding in its small grain. To keep the tree alive in nature, to make the tree continue for the generations to come, for the grains to survive in the nature for innumerable years, they need some protection. That’s why, their outer layer is so hard. That hardness is given to protect itself from the environmental changes. When the grains become dry, we cannot eat them – we cannot bite them or chew them. Unless the grains dry up, they cannot be stored. To convert the dry grains to make them edible, we need to sprout them. The grains that we can eat are: gree gram (pesara), Bengal gram (shanaga), black eyed peas (bobbarlu or alasandalu), finger millet (ragulu), wheat (godhuma), sesame (nuvvulu), alpha alpha (look like sesame), ground nuts (veru shanaga), pearl millet (sajjalu), sorghum (jonnalu), and peas (batani). After eating all these names, you would have thought one thing: all the animal food is given to us. We, after eating these grains, improved our health, and then gave them to our animals so that they can improve their health. We made the animals get habituated to these grains, but we stopped eating them. But, they didn’t stop eating them. Let us now start eating them again. Don’t get scared that you need to eat all these grains in one day. These day, so many hybrid types are available in the market. As far as possible, don’t use them. The country type grains are the best grain. The difference 3-4 between country grains and hybrid types are similar to that of country chicken and farm chicken; country eggs and farm eggs. Whatever country grains are available, eat them. Every day, soak 3-4 types of grains. Soak them in different bowls separately in water. The next morning, the keep the soaked grains in different pieces of cloth and tie them. You can also use boxes with holes or you can use sprout maker. Unless they are there for two days, they don’t sprout. From some grains, in one day, the sprout can come out of one-inch length. If it is summer, it is better to sprinkle water on the cloth. Let the sprout has the length of 1-2 inches. Then, the grains can be converted into a stage, which we can easily digest. If the sprout is longer, we don’t have gas trouble. All the fats will be converted into easily-digestible form. The life energy in them increases. As the sprouts are coming, the nutrients grow hundred times. The sprouted grains, converted like this, are in a digestible manner of 40-50%. If you eat them, your stomach needs to digest them only 50-60% only. Just the subtle is the greatest form, grains have such miraculous effects. From tomorrow, we will start the tasks of making sprouts. Let us now know, who should eat which sprouts and in what quantity.

8. Who to eat what sprouts and in what quantity?

These sprouts can be eaten by all – from 4-5 years of kids to old people. Those who cannot chew, can grind them (not to be too grinded like paste), lick it and swallow. All the remaining people should chew well and eat. Otherwise, it will come out as pieces undigested from discharge. Sprouts should not be eaten during 6-7 in the evening. Most people buy and eat them at that time. It is best to eat them in the morning. If not possible, you can eat in the afternoon as meals. It is okay to just soak the ground nuts – you need not sprout them. You can eat raw coconut as it is. Soaked ground nuts and raw coconut (some pieces or the whole coconut) the growing children, labourers who work under the sun, those who want to grow weight, who want to have muscle, those who suffer from fatigue, must eat these. Those who have sugar, not to eat these two along with the sprouts. Those who want to reduce weight or to reduce cholesterol, they should not eat ground nuts. They can eat raw coconut to some extent. Those who want to reduce weight or who have sugar, must eat sprouts of 3-4 varieties. They won’t allow sugar and weight to grow. Those who are eating groundnuts and coconut, can eat 2-3 types of sprouts along with them. Sprouts can be eaten (mixing all types), in considerable amount daily till the stomach is full. Those who have gas trouble, who have severe constipation, who have appetite problem, can stop sprouts fof 10-15 days, and to have fruit as tiffin. After 15 days, they can eat sprouts. You can eat dates along with these sprouts. Don’t use jiggery. People who have sugar should not eat dates. Those who want to reduce weight can have 7-8 dates while those who are lean, who have fatigue problem, or who has low blood levels can eat 10-15 dates every day morning. As we are suggesting you to eat sprouts in the morning, you can have the doubt – what about the regular tiffin? We are no longer indebted to them. If we go on eating idli and dosa, our health will be deteriorated. So, have them 3-4 times in a month. But, daily, eat sprouts. While eating sprouts, eat nothing boiled along with them. We won’t use grains in the other time of the day. We will take the benefits only in the morning. Look at the benefits for women. They don’t need to do tiffins, chutneys etc in the morning, in a hurry. Four cloth packets – one for each person. You should know how to be happy. If guests come, let us them the same thing. We will teach them this habit to them as well.

9. What kind of coconut to eat?

People has the fear of cholesterol, when it comes to coconut and now most of the people stopped eating them. Coconut is more nutritious food than the grains. Our elders have realized that coconut contains all the ingredients that can improve humans’ intellect and mind powers. That’s why, it is given as ‘prasadam’ in temples. Even in marriages, they keep the coconut in the hands. For all auspicious occasions, it is broken first. Compared to other people of other states, Keralites have more intellectual powers. It is a known fact. We are not using the raw coconut separately. We are using it only when we break it for puja purpose. Our elderly people have made it a principle that only ripened coconut is to be used in the puja so that we will eat the same. They have prescribed three rules of the coconut which we should not break for god’s worship: 1. Coconut with full of water (when you shake it, it makes no sound). In it, the coconut is so tender that it contains only starch and no other nutrients will be there. 2. The coconut that makes no water sound when shaken). Because, in this kind, the coconut must be too ripened and it could have changed to fat or oil. If we eat it, it is not good for us. That’s why, it is restricted to use. 3. The coconut which has not outside fibre. It means, if the outside fibre is not there, it will also be too ripened and not good for eating. Which coconut is ideal then? When you shake the coconut, it should make water sound, suggesting 3 parts of water. In it, the coconut will be in easily-digestible stage. The harmful fats are not yet formed in it. It is like giving coconut milk. Our elders have observed that it contains all nutrients and it has not side effects and suggested this to us. People are listening to scientists and doctors these days, but are not listening to the elderly people, what they have told us. In this coconut, there are no cholesterol elements. It is a myth that eating coconut can cause heart diseases. If coconut causes heart diseases, then keralites should have more heart problem cases. Strangely, statistics are saying that in India, Kerala has the least heart disease patients. The keralites have proven that because they are using coconut, they don’t have any heart problems. There are so many good qualities in coconut. It is good to eat one coconut every day – per one person. The ideal coconut should be like – when chewing, instead of pulp, milk should come. That kind of coconut is more good. Coconut is extremely strength-giving. The raw coconut is the mind of nutrients. If people cannot eat it separately, after the curry dish is put down from the down, they can sprinkle it in the curry. Instead of breaking eggs, let us break coconuts in our houses.

10. Who to eat what fruits and when?

After grains, fruit are the good food for the body. Though fruit cannot give more energy for more time, they contain easily digestible starch, vitamins, minerals and fibre and provide quick energy. It is better to eat these fruit 20-25% every day. They are tasty. No need to cook. No need of salt or oils. Better eat all seasonal fruit. Better don’t eat fruit like grapes and apple as more pesticides are used for them. If pomegranate is seedless, then the benefits are only a few. In the evenings, if you eat somasa or bajji, your hunger will die. So, instead of them, every day, in the evening, between 4-5 pm, it is good to eat easily digestible, energy=giving fruit. Those who have sugar, can eat fruit like guava, pomegranate, orange, mosambi, sour jujebi (regi), Malabar plum (neredu). Those who want to lower their weight, better avoid banana. If you want to eat mango, sapota, custard apple, jack fruit in large quantities, you can eat them between 5-6 pm and better skip evening meals. Even at night, don’t eat anything. Remaining people can eat any fruit between 4-5 pm, as many as you like. Those who don’t have money, if they eat guava daily 2-3, the same benefits can be acquired. But, don’t use salt and chilli powder in them. Along with these fruit, eat, dates as well – 5-10. For someone, who fell their stomach still empty after eating sprouts, they can eat banana, papaya and guava along with sprouts. Don’t eat fruit along with your meals. When the stomach is empty, if you eat fruit, they go into the blood quickly and give us benefits.

11. When to drink fruit juices?

Instead of eating a fruit, if we take it as juice, it enters the blood quickly, and stomach and intestines will be empty and take rest. It is good to eat sweet fruit. It is better to take sour fruit as juice. If we eat sour fruit, the teeth will be troubled. Take mosambi, orange, pineapple as juices, and if the sourness is more, you can mix some water in it. In the juice, instead of sugar or jiggery, you can use 2-3 spoons of honey in it. Those who cannot afford honey expenses, can use dates pulp in the juice so that for low expenses, more benefits. You should not store these juices in the fridge and drink. Never mix ice in the juices. People are using more ice and sugar and drinking juices for taste. For those people, because of these juices instead of health, they will get other problems. These ice and sugar are the root causes for swelling of tonsils, for cold, for cough. As people do not know that these are the problem creators, they say that sour fruit are not suitable for them. Of all, orange is less expensive. It is good to drink orange juice daily. Majority of the people who are drinking fruit juices on the road-side is for taste. In sweet fruit (sapota, mango, apple), apart from ice, sugar, milk, they use some powders and drink the juices. They get no benefits from them. Moreover, it is harmful. Milk should never be mixed in fruit juices. Fruit juices are meant to be digested in an hour and are to enter the blood. As they mix with milk, till the milk is digested, they stay in the intestines. For milk to get digested, it takes 2-2.5 hours. It is like driving the bullock card with one normal and one lame bullock. Because of that we may suffer from gas troubles and inflammation in the stomach. For students who come from school, give fresh fruit juice between 4-5 pm. We can also drink at the same time. If you drink fruit juices, you can give 40-45 minutes of gap to eat fruit. Or, to take any kind of juice or fruit. According to your convenience, you can take. In the morning, 40-45 minutes before eating sprouts, you can drink fruit juices on empty stomach. When there is no vegetable juice, if there is no power to take the juice, it is good to take soul fruit juices. Don’t store the fruits that are going to be made into juices. Keep it outside, covered with wet cloth. People who have sugar, should not drink juices. Obese people, if they drink juices, they don’t improve their weight. For those who has low blood levels, should drink juices mixed with honey. Sugarcane juice also works as fruit juice. Whenever you have an opportunity, you can drink it. Never drink fruit juices after taking meals. Those who do not have money, need not drink fruit juices. In the fruit, the juices are created so that they can directly mix into our blood. We are fortunate enough to drink those juices.

12. How to use raw vegetables?

Many people are eating raw vegetables these days, because they are good for health. But, as they don’t know when to eat, they are eating them whenever they like and eating them while mixing with any other thing. Many people are eating raw vegetables and sprouts and then, eating idli and dosa as well (because they are already cooked at home). They should not be mixed like that. Some people are mixing them in the meal, with the purpose of reducing weight. Some other people mix fruit and raw vegetables. All these methods don’t give the desired benefits. The digestion of raw vegetables is different. During in the morning, instead of eating raw vegetables, it is better to drink their juices – the task will be done quickly. As breakfast, we need to chew sprouts well, so, by drinking vegetable juices, we can save time. There are some vegetables which are less affected by pesticides such as – snake gourd, ridge gourd, bottle gourd, carrot, beetroot, country tomato, cucumber, pumpkin. These can be either eaten or taken as juice. If you grow leafy vegetables, you can use them for juices. In the list of vegetables mentioned above, take any 3-4 varieties and keep them in the grinder. Make them as paste. Sieve the pulp and remove the pulp. Take the juice. By sieving, the pulp (which causes inconvenience) will go. The required fibre will remain in the juice. You can add 2-3 spoons of lemon juice and honey in it. You can drink this juice, after you complete the regular 2 times of water drinking and completion of nature calls. Diabetic patients can drink carat, beetroot and honey. They can use other vegetables. Drink this juice in full big glass (300 milli litres) as first meal of the day. When it is not possible, or when the vegetable rates are high, when there is no power, you can drink fruit juice. Those who are drinking this juice, need not drink honey, lemon juice and water separately. As we are mixing them in it, it is better. Those who want to eat raw vegetables (not as juice), they can eat in the evening, instead of morning. The vegetables listed above can be eaten raw like this: Add to the vegetable pieces – small pieces of onion, chilli powder, curry leaves, coriander leaves, lemon juice, and it becomes a raw curry. You can eat this curry with rotis (instead of rice) in the evening meal. Due to this, you can lose weight. Apart from this, you should not eat anything. As rotis are less heated, it doesn’t matter if it is mixed with the raw curry, so there won’t be much damage. Raw vegetables, if it is juice – it will be easy to drink. Instead of tea, coffee, milk, java, we can drink raw curry juice every morning.

13. What to feed your children?

Parents think in different ways about their children. ‘why should we give the children these raw vegetables and sprouts at this growing age? At this age, if they control their tastes now, will they eat them in old age? They need to eat what needs to be eaten at this age’. If you think like this, the, you are wrong. Children do not know what is good or what is bad. We should know it. If children are getting affected by diseases, it is the mistake of the elders. These days, children are losing eye sight, tooth are decaying. Before 20 years, the hair is greying. They are getting affected by fevers and cold. As children are getting affected such problems, it is only the deficiency of nutrients. After watching tv, parents are assuming many things as strengths and bringing differing things by spending a lot of money. We are spoiling the lives our children. We see that children are suffering more than us, with various different ailments. Their future and the country’s future are dependent on their health. So, parents should give their children, this elixir food, in large quantity, which can prevent all kinds of diseases and ailments. Advise them so that they eat it. Everyday morning, raw vegetable juices (with more carrot) give one glass juice. Because of that, they will retain their eye sight. As part of breakfast, instead of giving other kinds of tiffins, give sprouts, soaked groundnuts, 10 dates, and raw coconut. If they don’t eat coconut, grind coconut with some water, sieve it, mix with milk and honey. Coconut milk is stronger than normal milk. If you give this tiffin to your children, it will give more growth, strength, and health. Muscle power will increase. Once they come from school in the evening, instead of giving what is shown in the tv ads, give them fruit or one glass of fruit juice. Give them as they like only on Sunday. From Monday to Saturday, give which the body demands and which is healthy.

14. Benefits of natural food

From the time we get up, till we go to sleep, everyone is eating the cooked food. They are satisfying the tongue but causing inconvenience to the body. We all want to become better now. So, we will ensure that at least in a day 50-60% food must be disease-free. If we eat that kind of food, the benefits will be like this:
  1. There won't be blood deficiency in the body. For those who have low blood levels, in 15-20 days, new blood will be created.
  2. Mouth ulcer (noti poota) will never come
  3. The bones will become strong (No need to use calcium tablets)
  4. For those whose joints are worn away, or doesn't have the sticky fluid, the sticky fluid will be formed and the cracking sounds will be reduced.
  5. Women can overcome the hormone problems and they will have regualr menstruation cycles.
  6. Increases ovulation and the sperm count.
  7. The muscles will become strong and even if you work for 15-18 hours, you won't feel fatigue.
  8. Pains in the calf aread and muscle crams will be reduced.
  9. hair falling will come down, new hair will come
  10. Eye sight will be improved
  11. Immunity will be increased tremendously
  12. The excess weight will be reduced, body strength will be increased and gives more health.
  13. Malnutricious problem will be solved. No need to use B-complex tablets and iron tablets.
  14. Once we heat the natural food 50-60%, our desires to eat bad food, will drastically come down. Eating natural food means we are insuring the body ourselves.

15. Shall we eat like this?

So far, we have filled this body with the food that caused diseases, so that’s why we are affected by diseases. Now that we are completely changed, we will eat food that prevents diseases. This is our body. We have you take care of its wellbeing throughout our life. Why do others will have care for our body? Whatever happens to your body, you will be responsible? We will eat food responsibly every day. Check how much of natural food you are eating every day. If you are able to eat at least 50%, they you will get pass marks. Gradually, in the evenings, instead of eating boiled food, start eating fruits stomach full, before the sun sets. If you eat like this, you will get 75 marks. After some days At least for one day, eat disease-free food for the whole day. On that single day, you will get 100% marks. If you get habituated to natural food, you can eat coconut and banana in the afternoon instead of boiled food. The more we are closer to the naturalness, then only we will get health so naturally. If we eat complete natural food, then you won’t face any diseases at all. If you don’t want to be affected by diseases, you have to eat only the food which can prevent diseases. Let all of us will try to eat like that and live healthily. Let us build a society where no diseases exist.