What is myth - What is truth?

Your health - in your hands (8)

Dr. Manthena Satyanarayana Raju


The king-turned sage....!

He is one of the greatest sons the nature has blissfully blessed. He is a king-turned royal sage, who has been ceaselessly worshiping the nature cure methodology. He is the divine rishi who has been with us, guiding us and adding flagrances in our efforts to bloom in this nature. He is the gardener of the nature’s life style garden, who is nourishing it all the time. He is the architect and mentor of the nature’s offspring, ‘Nature Life Style’ that has bloomed in the lap of river Krishna. He has constructed the ashram and is propelling it so that all the people can follow nature’s principles in the divine sight of goddess Kanaka Durga of Vijayawada.
Dedicating with open heart, this garland of books, ‘Prakruthi Jeevana Vidhana Dasha’ to our dearest relatives, unpolluted hearts, Sri Gokarju Gangaraju and Smt. Laila Gangaraju.
Yours Lovingly
Manthena Satyanarayana Raju

Health topics you are going to learn

  1. Myth:- If we drink 5 litres of water, kidneys will suffer the load.
  2. Myth:- If we go for motions for 2-3 a day, you will have fatigue.
  3. Myth:- For youngsters, nature principles are not necessary.
  4. Myth:- Nature principles are not not suitable for hard working people.
  5. Myth:- Those who do not eat salt and chilli powder, are not fit for marriage.
  6. Myth:- Not to keep the stomach empty. We should keep eating something.
  7. Myth:- If you eat coconut and ground nuts, cholesterol will be increased.
  8. Myth:- Those who are lean, will become leaner if they follow natural principles.
  9. Myth:- If oil is completely stopped, it is harmful to the body.
  10. Myth:- If we eat sour fruit, it will cause cold.
  11. Myth:- Those who do not have money, cannot practice nature principles.
  12. Myth:- There won't be energy if we do not take salt.
  13. Myth:- Pollution is causing more diseases.
  14. Myth:- If we don't eat salt, we will have B.P. problem.
  15. Myth:- Hereditory diseases cannot be cured.
  16. Myth:- It is unnecessary to live 100 years, if we stop eating all food items.
  17. Myth:- If we do head bath with cool water daily, we will catch cold.
  18. Myth:- Diseases cannot be cured if we don't take medicine.
  19. Myth:- All the day is spent in following the health principles.
  20. Myth:- If we eat tomato and spinach, stones are formed in kidneys.
  21. Myth:- If we don't drink milk, the body won't be strong.
  22. Myth:- If we don't eat salt, we will have iodine deficiency.
  23. Myth:- If we eat salt-less food, your faces look tired.
  24. Myth:- If one person change in a house, all family members won't change.
  25. Myth:- If all blood reports are fine, then is it health?

Doubt is dangerous

People follow the natural principles at home either after reading my books, after reading my speeches, or told by someone. While implementing such principles, there will be so many doubts in the mind. Those doubts do not let us move forward. Meanwhile, our acquaintances, friends and relatives express their opinions. They will scare us – not to drink it, not to eat that, if you do like this, you will become like that. Then, people cannot go forward and stop following the principles and get frustrated. For those who read 10-parts big books completely, all doubts will be completely solved. To clear the doubts of those people who have also read the 10 books, these 25 important doubts are chosen to be explained in this book. If you read and understand, you can continue with your implementation.
The myths that most of the people in the society have are such that they are recognizing truth as false and are moving away from good things and following false things as true. Because of this, people are getting affected a lot. For example, people are thinking that coconut has cholesterol rich, and as a result, they are not taking it enough and are becoming weak. Not knowing the truth, they are believing many false things as truth, not knowing the truth. Only when we implement certain thing, then only we understand the truth at depth.
Those who are limited to reading things, this may sound different, but what is truth is that we experience in implementing something. For many years, I have practised so many things and made others implement many things, and as a result, many truths have been surfaced. Those things which we have experienced and learnt, are explained why they are facts and why other things are false – both are compared and explained. I wish you would understand with open mind and hope will implement them. Similarly, so many people are affected by these doubts and are moving away from truth. So, we will explain to all of them so that all doubts are cleared for us to move ahead.
1. Myth:- If we drink 5 litres of water, kidneys will suffer the load.
Truth:- Those people who don’t drink water frighten people who drink water. They say that if we drink water in such a quantity, the kidneys will have more work and as a result, they will get spoiled. If we drink all 5 litres at a time, then it will be a problem. But, we are drinking the amount of water from morning to evening. So, it is not a problem. If we drink one litre of water at a time, that amount of water is absorbed by intestines slowly and it mixes with the blood. From intestines, blood enters the liver and from there, it goes to the heart. From the heart, the blood is pumped to all organs. Like this, every minutes, this activity is going on. The blood that goes from the heart to the kidneys, is filtered there. Because of this filtering, unnecessary salt and other waster material will mix with water and is discharged out in the form of urine. Every minute, 140-150 milli litres of blood enters the kidneys and gets filtered. So like this, the water we drink mixes with the blood and enters into the kidneys and there it is filtered – but the whole burden of water won’t be there on the kidneys. When the kidneys filter 170-180 litres of blood, only 1 – 1.5 litre of urine comes out. Now, let us understand that because of water, kidneys don’t get spoiled. For example, if we take water filter, it contains two candles (filters). The holes that the candles contain are the filters. In our two kidneys, there are 10 lakh filters in each kidney. For the holes of the water filter, sending water down is not a problem. All the problem is with the dust particles in it. If we pour impure water with dust particles, the two filters will be damaged in 1-2 months. But, if we pour fresh water after having an initial filtering, then, the filters can survive for 6-7 months. The water filters get damaged due to the dust particles and not with water. Similarly, for the kidneys, it won’t be a burden to filter any quantity of water. The burden is to filter the dust and dirt particles. Those who have more dust and dirt, their kidneys will be spoiled fast. The body wants to send out the dust and dirt out and wants to protect itself. It keeps the waste into the water and makes the kidneys filter it. Those who drink more water, this waste is melted and will be discharged out through urine day by day. For those who drink less water to avoid the inconvenience of going to bathroom, the water won’t be sufficient in the body to discharge this water out after filtering and discharging out through urine. Then, the body pulls the waste back again due insufficiency of water. This waste comes to the kidneys again after half an hour. As we don’t want to go for urination, this waste will go back again. Like this, every day, kidneys filter the filtered waste again and again and get spoiled. This is like, cleaning away soil grains from rice grains and throwing them again in the rice. That’s why, kidney diseases are increased to a great extent these days. Even if we drink more than a litre water at a time, there won’t be any damage. The water doesn’t dilute the blood or the useful salts in the blood won’t be sent out through water, and the kidneys won’t be burdened at all. This explanation is clearly given in the book ‘Neeru – Meeru’, printed in English. As some doctors also have this myth, I got it printed like that. So, we need to understand that drinking 5 litres of water is cleaning the body inside.
2 Myth: - If we go for motions for 2-3 times a day, it will cause fatigue.
Truth:- After the food is grinded by intestines into starch level, the essence of it is absorbed by the small intestines into blood, just as the earth absorbs water. All that gives energy to the body goes inside and helps the body like that. As it happens like that, the undigested things, unchewed things, bacteria etc. will be stored in the small intestines. The small intestine throws it into large intestine all this waste. The large intestines is the dust bin of the body for all such waste matter. Faeces is such waste which comes from small intestine to the large intestine. The body wants to throw out the faeces like waste all the time. Some people go once in 2-3 days. Some fortunate people discharge out the rubbish 2-3 times daily. Those people who clean it once in 2-3 days says to the people who clean it 2-3 times a day, ‘if it is cleaned daily so many times, all you have eaten will go out and you will feel fatigue. It is wrong’. These people believe that it is right and they want to stop it going like that. The first type suffers by not able to go. The second type suffer to control motion. We boil the coffee decoction, filter it, take the decoction and throw away the useless coffee powder into dust bin. When you are not saving the essence-less coffee at home, why does the body save the essence-less faeces in the intestines? It is good to discharge it out by going any number of times. Not going to the motions itself is unhealthy.
3. Myth:- For youngsters, nature principles are not necessary.
Truth:- There are certain kind of parents, who earn a lot, eat well, and think they are living happily. When we explain them the food principles, they will say that, ‘we are happy now. Why should we need all these things?’ If the children of these people get interested into some natural food principles and try to practise them, they won’t allow them to practice. They don’t realize that their children are doing the correct thing, and discourage them by saying, ‘why are you doing all these things at this age? If you do such things, how will you get married?’ Children stay with their parents till 20-25 years of age. Only till that age, they will listen only till that age. After that, they think independently. The responsibility of the parents is to ensure that they teach their children all good habits so that they can live happily for 100 years. If you teach your children all nature principles from the beginning, they will remember you forever for all the good habits that you have taught them so that they are able to live life healthily all their life. But, today’s children are remembering that, ‘my parents have B.P and sugar. That’s why, I have them as hereditary’. Children are to be brought up so well that, they should remember us every day. But, they should not think that because of us, they had such a problem. With nature principles, we not only gain health but the mind also becomes satva. If they have satva traits, then they will bring you honour. They can be useful for society. If you want your children to become like that, teach them nature principles and give them golden path.
4. Myth:- For hard working people, nature principles are not suitable.
Truth:- To lose excess weight, many people follow the nature principles and lose weight and look thinner. As many obese people follow this method to reduce their weight, people wrongly assume that in this method, food is served less. In nature cure method, eating less is the main criterion. The diet rules are according to the body weight and needs. The food principles are different for different people – whose who do hard work and those who do not. According to the tree, the wind blows. Similarly, the hunger will be according to the physical work we do. That’s why, nature principle tells these two types of people take food (those who have physical work and those who do not have physical work). To work hard, we need health. Those who work hard, don’t they need water for health? Don’t they need good motion for their body? Don’t they need to eat early in the evening? These are the nature principles. In fact, those who do labour a lot, they need to be healthy always. If they become ill, they will lose work. So, to save health from diseases and ailments they need nature principles which can help them work well.
5. Myth:- Those who don't eat salt and chilli, are not fit for marriage.
Truth:- There is no relation between marriage life and salt, chilli, oil, and spices. What salt and oils do animals are drinking to have sex? Producing off-spring? To have marriage life successfully, one should be healthy. If the body is healthy, the blood vessels and nerves which lead to productive organs will work well. When humans have mental peace along with the physical health, then only they can enjoy marriage life. For example, if someone has fever or headache, do they have sexual desires? When there is any physical ill health, the mind (life energy) works more at the disease. Similarly, when we have emotions such as anger and tension, we don’t have such desires. Though the mind gets irritated, the body is healthy. Then, why are there no such desires? Ill health is the reason for all this. When humans are physically and mentally healthy, they won’t have any such problems. Salts and oils do not give energy to the body, they instead reduce it. The body loses more energy to discharge these two food items. All the body glands work according to the nutrients we take. Without nutrients, if salt and oils are taken, how can we can health? If we eat sprouts, coconut milk, brown rice well, which are rich in the nutrients, we in fact can regain the marriage life. Eating salt can cause problems in marriage problems. If your assumption is true, then many people in the society are using more salt and chilli. Then, why do they have sexual problem? It is purely base less that not eating salt can reduce sexual potency. Many people who have followed this health path told us that they have regained their sexual potency. Many people who have practised have shared their experiences.
6. Myth:- Not to keep the stomach empty. We should keep eating something
Truth:- When there is food in the stomach, the acids that ooze in the stomach are useful in digesting the food. If the stomach is empty without any food, the acid spoils the stomach and intestine walls. That’s why ulcers and inflammations are formed in the stomach. Some people think that if some amount of food is there in the stomach, these inflammations will be reduced and the problems will be solved. For this reason, some people eat something or the other once in every two hours, despite they do not have any hunger. If we eat like this, stomach and digestive system will be spoiled. Our stomach has the capacity to release acids when there is food in the stomach and can stop the acids when food is not available in the stomach. When the stomach is empty, for those who eat small chunks of food multiple times, then the digestive juices and acids ooze like that – habitually. As the acids are oozing continuously, without rest, inflammations also happen. In fact, once we eat something, it should be completely digested and the stomach should be emptied. Until then, we should not eat anything. This is the best way for the stomach. Some people have breakfast at 9 am in will have tiffin between 10-11 again for friends. In the half-digested food that you had eaten earlier, you have added some new food which needs to be digested. Which food is to be digested first? The old food or the new? In the half boiled rice, if you add some more rice (just because a new guest has come), what happens there? The same thing happens here. Like this, every day, we are eating it for ourselves, before it gets digested, we eat for our friends, and to follow time, we will have lunch, after some time, we will eat as pass time, and finally, we eat as it will be waste – in this way, we are making the stomach a dust bin. So, that’s why, we should not trouble the digestive system. We should eat morning, afternoon and evening in a systematic way.
7. Myth:- If you eat coconut and ground nuts, cholesterol will be increased.
Truth:- Both these seeds produce oil. Doctors say that using these can cause heart diseases. In coconut and ground nuts, fats and cholesterol are available. In these seeds, the harmful food items are there. In the same seeds, there is some remedy for the same harmful items. There are three things which work against the fats and cholesterol – fibre, lecithin and ordinine etc. These three are fully available in ground nuts and coconut. If we eat coconut and ground nuts directly, three things enter the body and protect us from the harmful effects of fats and cholesterol. We are generally taking them oil, instead of taking them as seeds. When oil is taken from the seeds, the oil and the starch gets separated. Fat and cholesterol are stored into oil. The three elements – fibre, lecithin and ordinine – will enter the starch. We will take the oil and get diseases, animals eat the starch (telaga pindi) and become healthy. If you eat seeds as seeds, they never harm you. But, if you take oil from it and use it, then, we cannot escape diseases. In Kerala, where coconut is widely eaten, the heart diseases are comparatively few in number. Moreover, we are suggesting you to eat raw coconut (3 parts of water in it) and soaked ground nuts. If you eat them raw, then there won’t be fats and cholesterol. When they dry up these fats and cholesterol are formed. We should not eat the dried things. You can use the raw ground nuts and coconuts as much as possible. But, in curries, instead of oil, you can add ground nut fried powder by sprinkling on the curry.
8. Myth:- Those who are lean, will become leaner if they follow natural principles.
Truth:- Generally, those who are lean think that nature cure methods will make them thinner. That’s why they generally don’t follow these principles. In fact, it is wrong. By following nature principles, the spoiled cells and organs of the body will be cleansed perfectly well. The cleaned cells will have more hunger and they ask for more food. In the first 1-2 months, you may not eat well and as a result, you will become lean, but, once you get habituated, you won’t have any taste problems and you can eat better. When the body is cleansed inside, it takes inside whatever is eaten as it is. The body utilized everything you eat. Just as the earth absorbs water, the body of the people who follow nature’s principles, absorbs the essence. Those who are thin, for them to have some muscle, they can eat more sprouts, soaked ground nuts, raw coconut. If you eat 15-20 dates, then the fatigue reduces. If you eat brown rice enough, you will improve weight. They can eat more compared to earlier. Their strength increases. Their weight also increases. It will have so many benefits. It is a myth that, for thinner people these principles are not useful.
9. Myth:- If oil is completely stopped, it is harmful to the body.
Truth:- It is true that the body needs fats. For fats, we don’t need to have only oil. Eating oil causes more harmful effects than we getting any benefits. The fats and cholesterol of the boil enter the body directly as they are. That too, it enters the body in big quantity on the same day. For the fats that the body needs, we can eat seeds, that form won’t damage the body. The seed form is the indirect form. It is the simple method to supply fat to the body in the form of seeds. A safe method as well. Instead of seseme oil, we can use sesame, instead of coconut oil, we can use coconut, instead of ground nut oil, we can use ground nuts, almonds and other seeds. They won’t cause any damage to the body and the needs of the body will also be fulfilled.
10. Myth:- If we eat sour fruit, it will cause cold.
Truth:- In fact, for sour fruit, cold is cured. In the cold season, in which we get cold – in winter and rainy season, we get the seasonal, sour fruit such as orange, mosambi, sweet orange etc. in the nature. Nature gives us those fruit specially to cure our cold and phlegm. These fruit cut the phlegm and cold and throw them out. In sour fruit, there is lot of vitamin ‘C’. With this, the immunity of the body improves. Because of these fruit juices, the body increases the energy to throw out the waste from the body. As you drink the fruit juices, you have to realize that the waste is ready to come out of the body and should throw them out. In these fruit juice, some people mix sugar, ice, and other powder for smells. But, these are the ones which cause cold. Instead of them, you have to use honey. It won’t cause any harm.
11. Myth:- Those who do not have money, cannot practice nature principles.
Truth:- People have an assumption that it takes more money to buy fruit, vegetables and honey, instead of buying honey. That’s why they don’t prefer this method. But, in fact, compared to earlier, with this food principles, half the month’s expenses will be saved. Just think that how much money you are saving – meat, spices, coffee, tea, oil, sugar, snacks, cool drinks, hot water expenses, cooking expenses of 3-4 curries. With that money, you can buy vegetables, fruit, honey, dates etc. It will cost you less. Moreover, monthly expenses of medicines bill will be off. For those who do not have money, they can live according to their budget in this way. Brown rice is less expensive than the white rice. You can avoid costly vegetables and can choose the less expensive ones. As leafy vegetables are cheaper, you can cook them daily. You need not drink vegetable juice. Don’t buy costly fruit. You can eat 2 guava fruit, which is less expensive and always available. They will have all benefits. In making the sprouts, you can use less expensive grains such as sorghum (jonnalu), millet (sajjalu), black eyed bean (alasandalu), finger millet (ragulus). You not buy coconut. If you give 1 or 2 rupees, you will get 2-3 pieces. If you buy dates, a bit less expensive, you will get it per kilo 12-13 rupees. Even if we buy, it will be less expensive than the previous expenses. So, for those who are poor, nature principles are far better.
12. Myth:- If you don't eat salt, you won't have energy.
Truth:- For humans to live healthily, and to work with energy, the body needs salt. If we don’t get the salt to the body, we will feel so much fatigue. The hands and legs suffer in tiredness. If salt is not sufficiently available in the body, the (leg) calves will become stiff. All living things need salt. What is this salt? From where is this coming? Elephants and camels pull tremendous weights. What salt are they using for energy? From outside, no living being adds salt. Two buffaloes are pulling 40 bags on the cart, around 30-40 kilometres without stopping. What salt are they adding to their body? The salt that the body needs is available in every natural food item. For all living beings, the amount of salt they require are being supplied by the natural food they eat. Similarly, our body should also get it. In fact, it gets. Then, from where, this idea has come that lack of salt can create fatigue? In the olden days, labourers, not able to get food, would eat only curd rice or ganji rice. Even that rice used to be coarse pudding (sankati) made of finger millet (ragulu) or sorghum (jonnalu). Daily, three times, they used to eat ganji, butter milk or water with the rice. With that food, they wouldn’t get the required salt to their body. Moreover, as they used to work a lot, they would feel tired and fatigue. Gradually, in their food, salt was mixed to solve the problem. Since then, people started thinking that without salt, we are unable to work. In the present day, are there people who are eating only ganji rice and curd rice? Everyone is eating curries, fruit, milk and curd. The salt that is naturally available in these food items is enough to supply energy to the body. So, there is no need to add salt in curries and butter milk rice. Moreover, people are not doing that level of hard work these days. Since then, this idea has been in usage. If we stop eating salt, for the first 8-10 days, there won’t be any energy. It will be habituated. Then, you will have more energy than earlier.
13. Myth:- Pollution is causing more diseases.
Truth:- These days, all doctors and people are saying one thing, ‘pollution is increased a lot. That’s why all these diseases are attacking us. Because of air pollution, water pollution and food items pollution, diseases are not getting cured properly. New diseases are coming due to pollution’. We cannot reduce this pollution or completely stop it. How much we try, it is not possible. If we really want to safeguard ourselves from pollution, we need to make the body strong and healthy by improving the immunity. Then, it won’t become a trouble. This is what everyone can do. The fact that I know is: For all these diseases and health getting spoiled, this pollution is a cause of 10%. But, 90% cause is the pollution that humans create to their bodies themselves. Smoking, eating snacks which can generate phlegm, not discharging urine and faeces properly, not drinking water, not eating natural food, eating meat, which has the property of getting rotten, taking alcohol, all these are created by humans, themselves. If we don’t create such pollution ourselves, the outside pollution doesn’t trouble our life much. Humans are becoming unhealthy and then making the environment unhealthy and pollutant. What we sow, so we reap. We have to pay the price for our actions.
14. Myth:- If we don't eat salt, we will have B.P. problem.
Truth:- There is connection between B.P and salt. But, what is not true is, ‘if we don’t eat salt, then, it can cause B.P’. According to the normal people, who eat salt, it is estimated that normal B.P. is 120/80. Because, in this world, average normal human being eats salt. Those who eat normal food and do not eat salt, and are healthy, their B.P. will be 100/70, 90/70, then it can be termed as normal. For those who have been eating salt for years and if they take food without salt for 4-5 days, their B.P can be 120/80 to 100/70. Due to that, we need not become panic that we have low B.P. If blood pressure comes down a bit, we may feel fatigue, tired or dizziness. But, if B.P is down a bit, temporarily, one may feel fatigue, dizziness. But, once the body is habituated to salt-less food, with the same B.P. of 100/70, eat salt like earlier, but, can more active like 120/80 B.P. In people who do not eat food properly, who do not drink water well, we see low B.P. often. When a person has low B.P., to increase it temporarily, he may need salt, but it is a myth that ‘if we do not eat salt, it cause low B.P.’
15. Myth:- Hereditory diseases cannot be cured.
Truth:- As hereditary, either good or bad health of people is transmitted to their children through their jeans. These diseases which children get from parents are called hereditary diseases. Hereditary jeans are primarily sugar and asthma. If you use medicine throughout your life, you cannot get rid of them. You will get only relief. As everyone knows only about medicine, they strongly believe that they cannot be cured for life. If we eat food like medicine, then such diseases can be cured, but many people do not know this fact. The doctors are making experiments on medicine and not on food. That’s why, either the people or the doctors are not able to know this secret. If we eat natural food, then these diseases are getting cured in a month’s time. Even if we eat boiled, but without salt and oil, then we are not getting affected by these diseases. The diseases are being cured completely without the need for medicine. If we stop the food principles again, in 4-5 days, the diseases are attacking again. The food principles cannot change or destroy the jeans. But, they don’t nourish the jeans. As a result, the properties of the diseases don’t sprout. For example, in summer, due to no water, the grass will be completely dried up. Though the grass dries up, the roots will be safe under the soil. Till the environment becomes favourable, they will get dried up like that, and when favourable environment and water is available, the roots will sprout again. Similarly, if we eat good food, sugar asthma will be dried up. But, if we eat for tastes, the two tastes will sprout up again. We have observed that it happened in thousands of cases. If we are determined, we can cure hereditary diseases.
16. Myth:- It is unnecessary to live 100 years, if we stop eating all food items.
Truth:- These days, people are saying that instead of living 100 days without eating tastes, it is better to enjoy all tastes and leave early. However, it is fortunate to be healthy even after eating all kinds of food. As people eat all food items, and as a result, they are troubled with diseases and hence they are visiting doctors. Just to stop the visiting to doctors, we ask people not to eat tastes. The nature method does not say not to eat tastes and do strike against it. As the tastes are eating us now, and we have got enough diseases by eating tastes, it is good to eat for health and ensure we are not troubled by diseases, and eat tastes only occasionally. Then, it won’t be a problem. If we are healthy, we can eat anything, in any quantity and at any time. But, if health is affected, what is there to eat? At last, we will leave. We are not born to eat. In such a case, animals are eating, wandering, sleeping, and reproducing. We are also doing the same thing. In such a case, what is the difference between them and us? Only human life is different from that of all living things. To achieve it, 100 years, and in those 100 years, for humans’ practice, food should not be an obstacle. We should not dig our own hole. If we think that we are born to eat, then it is like we are digging our own hole.
17. Myth:- If we do head bath with cool water daily, we will catch cold.
Truth:- Every minute, our nose cleans the air that we breathe in and sends into the lungs. There are various types of bacteria in the air that we breathe in. These bacteria will get stuck in the fluid that ooze from the nose walls. The nose cleans such bacteria and impurities every second and moves to the throat, just as we sweep away all the dust and dirt from the house. From throat, we move down into the stomach along with the sticky substance and there, they get burnt up in the stomach acid. The nose will generate approximately a litre of sticky substance every day. When the weather is cool, the nose loses its energy to clean itself, temporarily. As a result, the oozed sticky substance, instead of going through the throat, goes out through the nose. We call this cold. When we have the immunity system intact in the body, the nose does its duty well and the bacteria is killed spontaneously. For those who do not have this immunity, these bacteria will be stored in the nose and throat. When cool wind touches the body or when we do cool water head bath, these bacteria comes out in the form of cold. That’s all. But, with cool water, we won’t catch cold. If we do the cool water head bath daily, this problem will be solved.
18. Myth:- Diseases cannot be cured if we don't take medicine.
Truth:- Some people always have the myth that without taking medicine how can diseases be cured. But, we should first know through what mistake, we are getting affected by diseases, then we will understand how diseases can be cured without medicine. There is no relation between our diseases and medicine. Then, what is the connection between medicine and diseases getting cured? We are getting affected by diseases according to the mistakes we do. If we stop doing mistakes, we no longer will be affected by diseases. Here, not making the mistakes itself is medicine. There is no better medicine than that. Mosquitos are generated in the mud. On one side we are generating more mud and on the other side, we are trying to kill mosquitos with medicine. Can we ever eradicate mosquitos? The only way is: to dry up the mud completely from there, and to ensure that mud is not formed again. That is the only way where we don’t get any side effects. Less expensive medicine. Permanent medicine. Natural medicine. If we don’t realize this truth, and eat the way we like and try to reduce diseases with medicine, then is it possible? That’s why, despite we have so many doctors and so many new medicine are being invented every day, the diseases are growing but not coming down. Medicine cannot cure diseases. So, your medicine in your hand is the medicine for your diseases.
19. Myth:- All the day is spent in following the health principles.
Truth:- In the initial days when we start following these food principles daily, we have to do them by checking all the things. Drinking water in the morning, going for motions, drinking water again, going for motions again, going for urine after some time, drinking juice, going for urine again, eating, going again. If we look at it like this, it will look like just as our day is spent for drinking, eating and going for toilet. Everyone feels that all our time is being spent on this. People may feel that, ‘If we have to as Dr. Satyanarayan Raju says, we need to shut down our businesses and job and to spend all our time for health’. When learning car in the beginning, to change the gear, to release the clutch, while checking the road if someone is coming, to change gears according to the speed – all these things will make us so tense. There won’t be any ease in driving – we don’t talk to the person sitting next to us in the car, don’t listen to the songs, don’t look out and sit straight like a stick and drive the car with utmost focus. Otherwise, we cannot drive car. But, are we driving the car like this throughout our life. Maybe for the first 15-20 days. But, gradually, the mind and the body gets accustomed to driving and car moves smoothly and easily. Similarly, our daily routine will look like that in the beginning 15-20 days. Then, we will get habituated to it and it will run smoothly. Then, by practicing all health principles, we can work for 18 hours a day. Are we spending all the time at home following only these principles? No. So, don’t have any such myths and start practicing them happily.
20. Myth: If we eat tomato and spinach, stones are formed in kidneys.
Truth:- Many people stopped used spinach and tomoto thinking that they cause stones in kidneys. Some more people stopped cooking them together with the fear that stones will be formed in kidneys. Doctors advice those people who have stones in kidneys, not to eat these two food items. Because calcium and oxilates are more in these two items. So, there will be more calcium and oxilates in the body and they will convert into stones and affect the people who have stones in the kidneys. But, they won’t affect the people who do not have stones in kidneys. This rule is not for other people. The stones in kidneys are primarily formed just because we don’t drink water enough. For people who don’t drink water enough, the excess minerals in the body get stored in the body day by day. These minerals slowly become as stones and obstruct the way. That’s why, once stones are formed in the kidneys, doctors ask them to drink a lot of water. If we drink from the beginning, then no stones will be formed. Without rectifying this mistake, there is no point stop eating tomato and spinach or not mixing them is not correct.
21. Myth:- If we don't drink milk, the body won't be strong.
Truth:- It is true that if we drink milk, it will give some strength. The body needs milk only when at our childhood. For elders, milk is not necessary. There are so many other alternatives for strength. There are so many things which cause harm to the body. Only at childhood, we have the capacity to digest milk. Then, as we grow up, the intestines cannot digest milk well. Then, stomach starts producing gas. Milk also has the quality of producing phlegm. In milk, there are harmful fats and cholesterol. Irrespective of the age, cholesterol is growing and we are getting affected by heart diseases. So, we better stop them so that we won’t have the problem in future. We drink milk for calcium. But, calcium is available from grains and fruit. So, there is no need to have milk. For strength, we can have sprouts, coconut, sesame can be used so that we will get all nutrients to the body without causing any harm to the body. These nutrients are supplied to the body in a lighter way and in full quantity. So, elders should not drink milk. They can use milk in cooking or as curd. As we are eating other food items which are more powerful than milk. So, it is not a problem.
22. Myth:- If we don't eat salt, we will have iodine deficiency.
Truth:- We need the iodine mineral for thyroid gland (in the throat area) to work. This iodine is generally available in the natural food items. It lacks only in the crops that are cultivated in the hills. The reason is: in the soil on the hills, the iodine mineral is not available. So, when it is not available in the soil, how can we get from the food items? As we spoiling the natural food by cooking, boiling, frying and storing, we are losing the iodine in the food items that we get naturally. To rectify this iodine deficiency, as a precautionary measure, if iodine is included in the salt that everyone uses, the government has planned to give iodized salt. For the last 15-20 years, everyone in the state are using iodized salt. But, still, thyroid problems are increasing more and more. For thyroid gland to work, along with the iodine, nutrients are required to the body. That’s why, instead of using iodized salt, we have to take nutritious food so that along with iodine, all our thyroid needs are addressed. If we eat fruit and raw vegetables, grains, the body gets enough iodine.
23. Myth:- If we eat salt-less food, your faces look tired.
Truth:- If we dislocate a fully grown plant and plant it in some other place, for 5-6 days, the plant looks withered. Is it natural or unnatural? If it is natural, then we change our food principles completely, our body also looks like withered and dried up for 1-2 months. Because of the food principles, the weight will come down and the body and face looks withered. After 5-6 days, the plant gets habituated to the environment, and the roots get into the soil strongly, it gets minerals from the soil and starts growing strong. Similarly, our body gets habituated to the new food and absorbs its essence and becomes strong. If health is inside, it appears to the outside. If we supply all to the body like this, we can see the good change. Some people do not eat this new kind of food with interest due to dislike, not getting habituated etc. In such case, even after 2-3 months, they look tired and they start looking old, and also look like patients. Those who observe these people form an opinion that if we eat the same food, we will also become like that. If some people do not follow the principles, the effect is attributed to the food or the method. In fact, if we eat good food, we will be good. We won’t get spoiled. Those people who stop eating the bad food and who don’t like to eat the new food, such problems arise. So, eat better.
24. Myth:- If one person change in a house, all family members won't change?
Truth:- When people are getting married, they are made to follow the rituals in the present of fire and they will take the oath that they will live together forever just as milk and water get mixed up. But, these oaths are remaining as words. We are not able to see them in implementation these days. Both the couple together are able to do a wrong thing, but together they are starting any good thing and are trying to implement it lifelong. It has become very rare. If the parents are like this, what can we expect from the children? The families are like this these days. In such families, if someone starts practicing the nature principles, they will start facing so many obstacles in just 1-2 months. The family members scold them, ‘why such non sense’. Though good results are experienced by those, due to the discouraging response from the family members, they stop practicing them. They are thinking that practicing good habits – going against the opinions of the family and society - is like swimming against the strong waves, and they are gradually stopping to practice them. But, if it happens like this, it is harmful to the family itself. If one person knows the health principles, habits, then gradually, it will help the family. Initially, people may not listen to it. So, those who start these principles – if they don’t go back, then they can pull other family members. One lamp can light up another. If one person changes for himself and for his family initially and stands as an example, it is the family’s fortune. One should not get frustrated. In my opinion, at least one person should change in every family. Those who are not implementing, at least better stop discouraging them.
25. Myth:- If all blood reports are fine, then is it health?
Truth:- Some people get B.P, blood tests, X ray, scanning etc. and check them. If everything is normal, they think that they are completely healthy. If they get the blood test after 5 months, then diabetes will be detected. Before 5 months, it was not detected and now it is detected. It doesn’t mean that it is developed in these 5 months. We just feel like that. In fact, for diabetes to be detected, there should be years of history inside it. Otherwise, it won’t be detected. It was not detected before 5 months because, the disease was ripened enough and was not fully formed as a disease. Now, all the symptoms are completed and now it is detected as a disease in the test. We will understand this with this example: to construct a big building, a strong foundation is built into deep depth. The building is constructed on the foundation. By the time the building is constructed, we see only the building but we cannot see the foundation. If we cannot see the foundation, it doesn’t mean that the foundation is not there. Foundation is there. Just, it is not seen to the eye. Similarly, for the blood tests and X rays, the diseases don’t appear which stand as foundations. Once they become as walls and the disease gets ripened, the tests can know them. If the blood tests are normal, they indicate that right now, there is no disease; but they won’t give a guarantee that in future, no diseases will come. Health is not just the state of no disease. Health should indicate that there won’t be any disease in the coming future. Can you know the future diseases by any test? If you check your conscience, it will tell you the truth. It knows everything. We will become better if we believe in it. Then only, we can experience true health.

Lighten up the lamp of health!

Now, every person is struggling the darkness of diseases. To get rid of this ill health, everyone is searching for health like searching for water in the mirage. Despite roaming around everywhere, the problems are becoming more but they are not coming down. I also wandered like this, struggled hard and then changed my habits and realized that our health is in our hands, and we can get it in hour home. Since then, the lamp of my health is burning continuously. If everyone realizes these secrets at every home, they all can gain health in a less expensive way. With this motive, I have started this gigantic task of health campaign. With a purpose to reach all common people, these books 10 books are designed as ‘dasha pustaka mala’ (garland of 10 books). I request you to read with open mind, implement with open heart and kindle your health lamp in your life. If you believe that all the information that is given in the books is useful to others as well, then you can help to kindle some other lamps of health. Our culture is to kindle lamps. One lamp can kindle another. So, as a human being, help others to walk in this great path of kindling lamps of health. In life, we give many gifts to others. This is a great gift to anybody. If these books reach every house, that is a great task of kindling lamps. Let us give all the fortune of health and build healthy Andhra.